The parachute line 550 lb Nylon (parachute cord) is an outdoor rope made of nylon that is not suitable for climbing, but is useful in countless other situations. For example as guy lines, tent or clothesline, as a lanyard for securing of equipment or as an extension of a leash just to name a few.
Located in the core are threads that may be used also as single lines for example as an emergency fishing line.
To prevent fraying, the ends of the cord can be melted together with a flame.
The light parachute line is manufactured in the U.S. by an official supplier of the U.S. Army.
- Core with 7 individual threads
- Diameter: 5 mm
- Minimum breaking load: 550 pounds (249 kg)
- Length: 100 ft. = 30 m
- Weight: 235 g

Fishing Lines & Leaders biodegradable option-parachute line Type III 550 lb burgundy 100 ft,