Rigs for live bait perch-Shanes Baits Umbrella Rigs

Style Domin8or Moneyball Mini Blades of Glory

Shanes Baits Umbrella Rigs:

 The Shane's Baits Moneyball Umbrella Rig is led by a military grade aluminum head that is turned on the most precise Swiss machines to ensure impeccable balance while still allowing wiggle room for the stainless steel arms to increase their durability. That meticulous head is crowned with a buttery smooth swivel that offers the same supreme strength and durability as the snap swivel combinations hanging on the end of the wire arms. It also features a proprietary head design that unscrews, exposing a series of channels that carefully cradle the umbrella rig arms. 

Domin8or: 8 willow blades, 8" center arm, 5" outer arms

Moneyball Umbrella Rig: 4 willow blades, 7" center arm, 5' outer arms

Mini Blades of Glory: 4 willow blades, 6" center arm, 3.5" outer arms